Missionary Organizations

Top Missionary Organizations

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Missionary Organizations

Missionary Organizations

Many well-known missionary organizations and some little-known missionary organizations are rated below on a five-star scale. The well-known ones tend to be big and take in the bulk of God's money intended for the mission field. But most of them rate poorly, as you can see, for misuse or inefficient use of funds, unbiblical fundraising, promoting heresies, and/or covering up sexual abuses. Some of them used to be faithful to the Lord and rate higher. For details on each missionary organization, click on their rating or name, and advise if you know other missionary organizations that remain faithful to the Lord per the five criteria further below. The time left to evangelize the world is very short.

Biblia Global  Biblia Global

Free Burma Rangers  Free Burma Rangers

HeartCry	Missionary Society  HeartCry Missionary Society

China Outreach Ministries  China Outreach Ministries

International Mission Board  International Mission Board

Open Doors International  Open Doors International 

Open Doors US  Open Doors US 

Wycliffe Associates  Wycliffe Associates

Bible League  Bible League

Compassion International  Compassion International

Cru  Cru

Galcom International  Galcom International

Global Media Outreach  Global Media Outreach

International Christian Concern  International Christian Concern

Bible League  Samaritan's Purse

Voice Of The Martyrs  Voice Of The Martyrs

Wycliffe Bible Translators  Wycliffe Bible Translators


All Things Possible Ministries  All Things Possible Ministries

Ethnos360 - New Tribes Mission  Ethnos360 / New Tribes Mission

Global Christian Relief  Global Christian Relief 

Gospel For Asia - GFA World  Gospel For Asia

Ravi Zacharias International Ministries  Ravi Zacharias International Ministries

SAT-7  SAT-7

The ratings above are based on the following criteria:

1.  Does the missionary organization share the true Gospel and Bibles or those that have been altered to appease homosexuals, Muslims, Hindus or other religions?

2.  To raise funds, does the missionary organization beg God or people, and does it tell the truth or lie to donors?

3.  Does the missionary organization use God's money efficiently?

4.  Does the missionary organization cover up or honestly deal with (sexual) abuse?

5.  Do the leaders of the missionary organization live as those they lead and truly serve persecuted Christians or use them as advertisements to fund their own exorbitant salaries?

If you have new information about any of the missionary organizations above or wish to refer other organizations, feel free to advise what you know about them.

Visitor Emails

"Thank you so much for your website! I always tell my family "You can only spend your money once" and your website has helped us streamline our giving PLUS you have taught us what to look for (exorbitant salaries, overstaffing, etc.) before we donate. Everything is so well documented and without needless commentary. Blessing of Our Risen Lord to you! Richard"